Lifestyle, Motivation

Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year! Rather than make resolutions, I prefer to take time to reflect about the past year. I think about the goals I accomplished and what I would like to continue improving on for the year ahead, without setting resolutions firmly in stone.

I accomplished a lot in 2024! Career-wise, I completed half of my in-person placements for the Health Information Management (HIM) program I am taking. I will complete the program in August 2025 and I’m very excited! Hobby-wise, I was productive with my blog. I didn’t quite reach my blogging goal of posting twice per month. However, I did blog more than in 2023 so I’m satisfied with that! In terms of other hobbies, I’ve been enjoying continuing to thrift and resell treasures on Poshmark. I’ve been trying to “revive” my Etsy store as well as I hadn’t shown it much love since going back to school in 2023. I have been cross-listing vintage items from my Poshmark closet to Etsy in order to increase my total listings. I am also working on some new press on nail sets, something I haven’t done since January 2024!

I also did a bit of a media cleanse in 2024. By that I mean I became more selective in what I watch. I used to be an avid reality TV and true crime fan, but I’ve noticed I feel down or anxious after binging those genres too much. My goal is to watch more educational content. Since December I’ve been also been reading more. I used to read so much as a teenager and really slowed down since finishing university. More reading and less screen time is my goal for 2025.

Finally, in 2024 I spent time practicing Spanish. I took Spanish classes in high school and really enjoyed them. I did not practice much since high school, but since summer 2024 I have been listening to Spanish podcasts and Spanish YouTube videos in my spare time. One day, I would love to become fluent. When I finish the HIM program in August, I will have more time to dedicate to Spanish.

What accomplishments are you proud of for 2024? Wishing everyone a blessed and peaceful year ahead! 

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