
Stay at Home Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Happy Love Month! I am personally a BIG fan of Valentine’s Day. I love all things mushy, cheesy, romantic, pink, chocolately, you name it! Last year the lockdown started in early March, so Valentine’s Day was spared from any pandemic disturbances. Unfortunately, this Valentine’s Day is going to be different. I’ve compiled a fun little list of stay at home ideas for Valentine’s Day. Even if you’re at home, you can still enjoy yourself with your boo!

Make Homemade Chocolates

You can get really creative with this idea. For a couple of bucks, you can pick up some heart shaped molds and Valentine’s Day sprinkles at the dollar store. Melt your favorite chocolate bar in the microwave, and create some yummy heart shaped treats! Why stop at simple chocoloates, when you can also make chocolate covered fruit?

Enjoy a Candlelit Dinner

Candles really set the mood. Even if you order McDonald’s from UberEats, enjoying it on a candlelit table, with fancy Valentine’s Day napkins, will completly up the ante. Scented candles are even better!

Go for a Romantic Walk Around your Neighborhood

It might be chilly, but going for a walk is a great way to get a bit of exercise and fresh air. My favorite time to go for walks with my partner is at dusk, when there’s a soft glow on everything.

Listen to Music Together

Laying down with your eyes closed, as you take turns playing your favorite love songs to eachother couldn’t be more romantic! Allow yourselves to daydream together, and talk about what the songs mean to you.

Craft Together

Express your creative side with some fun Valentine’s Day DIYs! You can make decorations, cards, or even simply have a drawing session. If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out this idea for decoupaged jars on Square’s Lemon’s blog!

Wishing everyone a romantic and safe Valentine’s Day! xo

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