I have been awarded the Blogger Appreciation Award by the lovely Holly at http://xxmakeupbyhollyxx.blogspot.ca/ !! 🙂 Here are the rules: · Thank the person who gave you the award by linking their blog in your post. · Answer the following (4) questions · Award the blogger appreciation award to new followers/ fellow bloggies as you like · Let the blogger…
Tag: blog award
Versatile Blogger Award
Wow what a nice surprise!! Thank you so much Maria Alejandra(http://www.allthingsbeauty214.blogspot.ca/ ) for nominating me 🙂 Here are the rules: -Thank the person that nominated you with a link back! -Tell 7 things about you! -Pass this on to 10 newly discovered blogs and let them know they received the award! 7 things about me: 1) I’m 21. 2) I’m…